BMW IBU World Cup Biathlon Lenzerheide 2028

Lenzi the biathlon fan

We warmly welcome the biathlon mascot Lenzi to the «home of the shooting stars»!
Lenzi der Biathlon-Fan | Biathlon Maskottchen Lenzerheide | © Thomas Zipfel

Allegra, I am Lenzi

The crazy capercaillie has all kinds of mischief in his head and wants to know everything about the fascination of the biathlon. Lenzi trains hard and never misses an opportunity to become an unerring biathlete himself. Will it even be enough to become a shooting star? His home around the Roland Arena in Lantsch/Lenz offers a variety of training opportunities and is also the habitat of Lenzi's fellow biathletes. When Lenzi is not on the cross-country skiing track, he takes on the «fight for capercaillie rights» and thus brings sport and nature into harmony. The much-committed Hahn knows what it takes for an unforgettable biathlon festival and looks forward to fans from near and far.